Ying Lu, Ph.D.

Stanford University

Ying is a Professor of Biomedical Data Science, and by courtesy, of the Epidemiology and Population Health, co-director of the Center for Innovative Study Design and Biostatistics Core of the Stanford Cancer Institute, Stanford University School of Medicine. He received his BS in Mathematics from Fudan University, China, MS in Applied Mathematics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, and Ph.D. in Biostatistics from the University of California, Berkeley. Professor Lu has considerable experience in statistical methodological research and led the planning and conduct of large multicenter clinical trials through the VA Cooperative Studies Program (Director of the Palo Alto Coordinating Center 2009-2016) and early phase trials in academic setting. Professor Lu’s current research interests include the statistical design and analytic methods for clinical trials, validation of biomarkers/medical diagnoses, meta-analysis, and medical decision making. He is the author more than 300 peer-reviewed publications and editor of several books. He is the 2019 President Elect of WNAR, the 2014 President of the International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) and served as a member of DSMBs for clinical trials and FDA PCNS Drug Advisory Committee. Professor Lu was an elected fellow of ASA and AAAS, and serves as the associate editor (Biostatistics) of JCO Precision Oncology.