
Ning Leng is a People and Product Lead in Product Development Data Sciences in Roche-Genentech. Ning joined Roche-Genentech in 2016 as a statistician in the oncology early development and personalized healthcare group. Ning has worked on both early and late phase oncology development, with a special interest in utilizing diverse data sources and advanced methodologies to generate insights for personalized healthcare. Ning is an advocate of automation, open sourcing and open collaboration in pharma. She is also passionate in connecting people and helping people find new interests and opportunities. She serves as Roche representative on the R consortium board, co-leads the R consortium R submission working group, and co-leads the Meetup series of the Bay-area Biotech-pharma Statistics Workshop (BBSW). Ning holds a B.S. in Information and Computing Science from Beijing Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in Statistics from University of Wisconsin-Madison.