BBSW 2024
“when innovation meets regulation”
OCT 24-25, 2024
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Foster City, CA
keynote speakers
We are thrilled that Dr. Gregory Alexander from FDA (Deputy Office Director & Director of Biostatistics Programs, CDRH/FDA), and Dr. Robert Tibshirani from Stanford (Professor of Statistics and Biomedical Data Science) will be the keynote speakers.
Invited sessions
Invited sessions will include statistical track, programming and data science track and non-technical track, with topics on recent FDA initiatives and guidance, innovative trial design, global submission system and best practices, emerging technologies leveraging AI/ML, and data visualization. In addition, this year's conference will feature the non-technical invited session with discussions on key leadership skills for statisticians, programmers and data scientists given an ever-changing landscape, as well as a special debate session about the AI impact on our jobs in the next 10 years.
poster session and roundtables
Plus the poster session and roundtables to showcase one's research and nurture topic-focused discussions.
Agenda (PDF)